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Episode 68: The Countdown Begins
This isn't the grand finale Yuma had in mind but Dr. Faker notes that Yuma's energy will be a part of the Sphere Field Cannon that they're heading to and once it's online, Astral World will be in its crosshairs. While Kite and Orbital find out where Hart went, Yuma understands what's going on and explains that everyone was pawns in the master plan but isn't willing to let it come to pass but misses in destroying the hologram of Dr. Faker, whom unveils Hart as part of it. Kite and Orbital find out where Hart is and it's not good news as Hart is being used to trigger the cannon. Outside, Bronk and others have lost sight of Yuma and Tori but Kari arrives to learn their predicament. Tori is racing forwards and finds the Heartland Tower about to collapse. Inside the tower, Kite gets a signal from Hart on his Neo Galaxy-Eyes card but begins suffering the brunt of the collapse.
Back outside, Kari struggles to reach Tori but succeeds only to be cut-off as Tori finds Kite under the rubble. Shark arrives in time to help and takes over lifting the slab with Orbital while Tori pulls Kite out. It works but Kite isn't leaving without Hart and Orbital has to explain what the Sphere Field Cannon is and what its purpose is. Shark wants to know how to reach the cannon to get to Yuma but it's not so easy unless everyone works together. Kite walks away, ordering Orbital to follow and the others are left wondering whether they're being asked to follow or not. In the Sphere Field, Yuma and Astral are getting weaker and Astral is having regrets but Yuma isn't leaving until all three of them get out together. Tori and crew are not having luck with the access port as it's not only destroyed but blocked by debris and won't be any use for accessing schematics but Tori decides to see if Kari can help.
Luckily, Kari finds a stairwell that leads underground and the group head off. They arrive shortly thereafter and Mr. Heartland is there to greet them and tell them the bad news, including that they've been there long enough and sends a Litterbot army after them. Orbital 7 undergoes his transformation as well and the group take down several Litterbots but more keep coming. Kite wants to get Hart out but Mr. Heartland assures that Hart just wants to make his father proud and is happy where he is but Kite doesn't buy it. Nevertheless, Mr. Heartland opens up the floor to reveal a portal to Astral World but Tori is quick to realize the Litterbots are under the control of one source that Orbital finds and begins to overload it and himself but it doesn't go unnoticed.
Orbital is successful but is out of commission while Mr. Heartland is sent into the abyss below. Yuma and Astral come to and see that their friends are there but have no clue why. Yuma and Astral separate and Astral cannot leave since the Numbers are part of the Sphere Field so it's time for Yuma to leave alone. Astral hands Yuma Number 39 and Number 32 before leaving as he cannot exist outside the Sphere Field. All that matters is that Yuma saves Hart and in turn Astral World and Yuma is thrown out of the Sphere Field. However, Dr. Faker had a backup plan and will soon eliminate Astral World for good but Shark and Kite join Yuma with their Numbers and give Dr. Faker a reason to duel and the three must win as they're the only hope left!
Episode 68's Episode Cards
*There were no cards in this episode*