*Card below is written with a mock translation using the card's actual English card text. This is based on how the cards are actually translated and thus may not work exactly like the card's TCG version.
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Shadow Specters

Mecha Phantom Beast Kalgriffin
WIND / Machine / Level 8 / ATK 1000 / DEF 2500
You can Tribute 2 monsters in play with "Mecha Phantom Beast" in their names to play this card through a Special Summon from your hand to your field. You may only use this effect of "Mecha Phantom Beast Kalgriffin" once per turn. While you have a Token in play on your field, this card may not be defeated through battle or be destroyed by card effects. Once per turn, you can discard 1 monster with "Mecha Phantom Beast" in its name from your hand to the Graveyard to play 1 "Mecha Phantom Beast Token" (Machine-Type/WIND/Level 3/ATK 0/DEF 0) through a Special Summon to your field.