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*Any Japanese cards below may be poorly translated*
Episode 53: Test Your Luck!
As the tournament continues, Mr. Heartland reveals that only 14 duelists remain and while Yuma is in last place, everyone but Flip is confident that Yuma will get to the top. Bronk is worried because the course is going to be pitch black and Mr. Heartland notes of the four duel fields that one of which must be reached by each duelist before their competition. Inside the tunnel, Yuma doesn't care who he faces but Astral notes that only 8 duelists can Duel at the fields and being in last place will prevent Yuma from dueling further. Quinton and Dextra scope out the competition and Dextra wants to gather as many Life Points as she can before taking Vetrix down.
Meanwhile, Shark is following Quattro as Quattro wants because he wants to lead Shark to the magma field and leave Shark at a disadvantage. Elsewhere, a man finds Nistro and challenges him to a duel, revealed as Tommy Noble, whom has Grapple Blocker in Attack Mode and attacks Nistro directly but Nistro responds with Heroic Call to Special Summon Heroic Challenger - War Hammer (2100) in Attack Mode and take out GB to win the duel. Back with Yuma, Yuma realizes he's falling behind and races into a Trap marker that costs him 200 LPs, bringing him down to 400. Nistro finds Quinton and challenges him to a duel but Quinton warns that it's a mistake. Regardless, Nistro attacks Quinton directly but Quinton activates Malevolent Flash to return War Hammer to Nistro's hand.
Next he uses Punishing Fire to deal Nistro 600 damage, bringing him down to 3400. Mr. Heartland decides to check on Quattro's duel where Quattro uses his Fiendish Knight to defeat his opponent. Not far away, Shark defeats his next opponent with Big Jaws. In the audience, two girls argue over whether Shark or Quattro will win but that gives Cathy a headache. Back in the tunnel, Yuma finds himself right back where he was earlier, taking another 200 damage from the Trap Marker to leave him down to just 200. Dextra has better luck and runs into another Dian Keto the Cure Master, raising her LPs to 7000 but she's not satisfied with that amount to take on Vetrix.
Kite notes that Vetrix has stopped and orders Orbital 7 to track that duelist's movements quickly. Vetrix has encountered a Trap Marker and backs out to try another track, wondering if they're a deliberate means to lead him somewhere. Dextra finds another Dian Keto, raising her LPs to 8000 but still below what she desires. Yuma runs into The Paths of Destiny at the next Trap Marker but while he flips a coin to literally decide his status in the tournament, Nistro takes another 600 damage to heave him down to 500. Determined to prove Quinton wrong, Nistro plays Heroic Challenger - Double Lance (1700) in Attack Mode and uses it as Xyz Material (as it counts as 2 Xyz Materials for an Xyz Summon) for Heroic Champion Excalibur (2000) in Attack Mode.
Since he has 500 or less LPs, he can attack with it and uses its effect detach both its Xyz Materials and double its ATK to 4000. (The real card doesn't have any requirements for attacking.) His attack prompts Quinton to activate Neverending Nightmare to negate the attack and deal Nistro half of Excalibur's ATK to his LPs. However, Yuma intercepts and plays Achacha Chanbara (1400) in Attack Mode, dealing Quinton 400 damage instead, bringing him down to 4600. Just when Quinton is about to strike back, Vetrix says to lay off. Quinton does as told and Yuma leads Nistro to where LPs can be regained. While Quinton and Vetrix converse over Yuma's father, Yuma and Nistro have regained 2000 LPs to bring Yuma up to 2200 but runs into the same Trap from earlier, bringing him down to 2000 LPs. Vetrix finds himself outnumbered 3-to-1 but manages to defeat the three duelists at once.
Kite learns what Vetrix has already learned about the Trap Markers and where he's going but Dextra intercepts him and wants to take Vetrix out as she feels he's up to no good. Since both of them want to duel Vetrix, they decide to duel each other and Dextra draws and uses Butterfly Ballet to pay 1000 LPs and deal Kite 300 damage per Butterfly card in her hand, brining her score down to 3000 but Kite veers off before the damage can hit. Vetrix and Dextra arrive at the jungle field. Vetrix likes Dextra's enthusiasm but will love crushing Dextra even more!
Episode 53's Episode Cards

Card Info:

Heroic Call
Anime Normal Spell
Special Summon 1 "Heroic Challenger" monster from your hand in face-up Attack Position. Its effects are negated. You cannot Normal or Special Summon other monsters the turn you activate this card.
Found In: Not Yet Released
Set #: None
Rarity(s): Common
Notes: Card info is mostly from Yu-Gi-Oh Wikia.
Card User: Nistro

Card Info:

Heroic Challenger - War Hammer
EARTH / Warrior / Level 6 / ATK 2100 / DEF 1300
When this card destroys an opponent's monster by battle and sends it to the Graveyard: You can equip the destroyed monster to this card. (You can only equip 1 monster at a time to this card with this effect.) This card gains ATK equal to that equipped monster's ATK.
Found In: Return of the Duelist
Set #: REDU-EN006
Rarity(s): Common
Notes: Special Summoned by Heroic Call's effect.
Card User: Nistro

Card Info:

Malevolent Flash
Anime Quiick-Play Spell
Activate only when a monster with 2000 or more ATK declares an attack. Negate the attack and return that monster to the owner's hand.
Found In: Not Yet Released
Set #: None
Rarity(s): Common
Notes: Card info is mostly from Yu-Gi-Oh Wikia.
Card User: Quinton

Card Info:

Punishing Fire
Anime Normal Spell
Inflict 600 damage to your opponent. During your opponent's next turn after this card's activation, if your opponent Normal Summons a monster in face-up Attack Position, they take 600 damage.
Found In: Not Yet Released
Set #: None
Rarity(s): Common
Notes: Card info is mostly from Yu-Gi-Oh Wikia.
Card User: Quinton

Card Info:

Heroic Challenger - Double Lance
EARTH / Warrior / Level 4 / ATK 1700 / DEF 900
When this card is Normal Summoned: You can Special Summon 1 "Heroic Challenger - Double Lance" from your hand or Graveyard in face-up Defense Position. This card cannot be used as a Synchro Material Monster. This card cannot be used as an Xyz Material, except for the Xyz Summon of a Warrior-Type monster.
Found In: Return of the Duelist
Set #: REDU-EN008
Rarity(s): Rare
Notes: Zexal Anime: It counted as 2 Xyz Materials for an Xyz Summon.
Card User: Nistro

Card Info:

Heroic Champion - Excalibur
LIGHT / Warrior-Type Xyz / Rank 4 / ATK 2000 / DEF 2000
2 Level 4 Warrior-Type monsters
Once during each of your turns, you can detach 2 Xyz Materials from this card to have this card's ATK become twice its original ATK until the End Phase of your opponent's next turn.
Found In: Japanese Duelist Pack Yuma 2: Gogogo and Dododo
Set #: DP14-JP021
Rarity(s): Super Rare
Notes: Zexal Anime: It only required the player to detach 1 Xyz Material to use its effect.
Card User: Nistro

Card Info:

Neverending Nightmare
Anime Normal Trap
Activate only when an opponent's monster with 2000 or more ATK declares an attack. Negate the attack and inflict damage to your opponent equal to half that monster's ATK.
Found In: Not Yet Released
Set #: None
Rarity(s): Common
Notes: Card info is mostly from Yu-Gi-Oh Wikia.
Card User: Quinton

Card Info:

Achacha Chanbara
FIRE / Warrior / Level 3 / ATK 1400 / DEF 400
During either player's turn, when a card or effect is activated that will inflict damage when it resolves: You can Special Summon this card from your hand, and if you do, inflict 400 damage to your opponent.
Found In: Abyss Rising
Set #: ABYR-EN003
Rarity(s): Common
Notes: None
Card User: Yuma Tsukumo

Card Info:

Butterfly Ballet
Anime Continuous Spell
Activate only by paying 1000 Life Points. Once per turn, you can reveal any number of "Butterfly" monsters in your hand to inflict 300 damage to your opponent for each card revealed.
Found In: Not Yet Released
Set #: None
Rarity(s): Common
Notes: Card info is mostly from Yu-Gi-Oh Wikia.
Card User: Dextra